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Monday 22 March 2010

Word problems as equations

Word problems as equations

When converting word problems to equations, certain "key" words tell you what kind of operations to use: addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division. The table below shows some common phrases and the operation to use.

Word Operation Example As an equation

sum addition The sum of my age and 10 equals 27. y + 10 = 27
difference subtraction The difference between my age and my younger sister's age, who is 11 years old, is 5 years. y - 11 = 5
product multiplication The product of my age and 14 is 168. y × 14 = 168
times multiplication Three times my age is 60. 3 × y = 60
less than subtraction Seven less than my age equals 32. y - 7 = 32
total addition The total of my pocket change and 20 dollars is $22.43. y + 20 = 22.43
more than addition Eleven more than my age equals 43. 11 + y = 43

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